AJS Ariel Excelsior Matchless Imperial Norton Rudge Sunbeam Velocette Vincent Book A742
Tuning for Speed - By Slide Rule of Motor Cycling This book was published by The English Universities Press Ltd, Author P.E. Irving. First published in 1948, Second Impression 1949, 164 pages. A742
How to increase the performance of a standard motorcycle engine for racing and competition work. This book may be old but it is a pearl of a book for information if you need to get that vintage bike up to speed.
It covers performance tuning for speed of your British vintage motorcycle such as: AJS, Ariel, Excelsior, Matchless, New Imperial, Norton, Rudge, Sunbeam, Velocette and Vincent.
The models mentioned above are all featured in this book. However, models such as Harley-Davidson, Indian and other vintage models of similar designs could benefit from the information found in this book.
The book is used but in excellent condition.
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