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Pro-Formance Cycle

PUCH GN Maxi Maxi-Luxe Maxi II Sport Sport MKII Newport L 1979 Parts Catalogue 907.1.71.927.4 # 938

Regular price $75.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $75.00 CAD

PUCH  GN  /  MAXI /  MAXI-LUXE  / MAXI II / SPORT /  SPORT MKII /  NEWPORT L   Factory Spare Parts Catalogue,  166 pages OEM Ref. # 907.1.71.927.4  NOS  New Old Stock.  #938/A

Edition January 1979

This manual was exposed to water and some of the pages are slightly wrinkled.  Other than that, the manual is clean and in excellent condition.