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Pro-Formance Cycle

YAMAHA GS338 G GS338G 1975 Parts List / Catalogue 884-28198-HO #S85

Regular price $55.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $55.00 CAD

YAMAHA   GS338G  1975  Factory Parts List, 100 pages  OEM Ref. # 884-28198-HO  Used.  #S85/A

1st Edition,  May 1974

This catalogue was exposed to water and damage was done to the front and back cover.  The first and last pages were also damaged when we separated the pages.  These pages are not missing any information.  Other than that, we managed to separate all the pages without damage and the catalogue is mostly clean and in good condition.  If it wasn't for been exposed to water, this catalogue woud have been NOS.